Was that title goofed-up, or what?
It's definitely a what. A what-ever, that is.
3 more days, and I'm legal, people. Hardcore-ly legal in America, is what I mean.
Will it be a Sweet Sixteen on Sunday? NO FREAKING WAY. It can be sour, or bitter, or even tasteless. But there's just no way it'll be sweet. I'm not sweet. So as to say, my birthday will never be sweet per se(It ryhmed.).
Many of my close friends are asking, what am I going to do on my 16th birthday? Heck, as if I even have a clue. Ever since I became suicidal(in which I'll reminisce later on in this post), I engraved in my freshly-extinct mind that birthdays just pass by like every single day do. There's nothing special in them, except for the fact that I'm turning a year old on that day.
Ugh. What's with birthdays anyway that people go and celebrate them with parties? Party Shmarty. Parties are just a classic way of perking up your parent's money. Parties ain't necessary for an introvert's living.
So what am I going to have on my birthday?
I don't know. But I want to have so many materialistic things on my current birthday list, that I don't think I don't need any personality needs anymore. And by personality needs, I mean, the same old LOVE AND WORLD PEACE.
I'll probably lock myself up in my room and cry again, just what I did last year.
I'll just enjoy the day before my birthday, which is may 19th, by which there is a sale on SM Megamall and by which I have a date. Yes. With....
It really makes me wonder if there really is an easy way up on that Mount Everest. Like there's this elevator, or an escalator. I won't be even surprised that there's an 8-way ladder there somehow.
2 Filipino women were able to climb it up yesterday - I think. God. How the hell were they able to do that without us knowing anyway? It seems pretty awkward for us Filipinos to be sexist morons when it comes to climbing up mountains. Remember the first Mt. Everest shiznit? They even have this special programme for it.
What makes a female special anyway? As someone who has a pair of x-chromosomes in her butt, I would say there is nothing special in being a female. Every little thing that us females have, the other kind have too. It seems pretty unfair, I think.
Let me take you for an example. How come lesbians are not treated fairly like gays are? How come it doesn't matter to the society when a female has a fat boyfriend, and on the other hand people gives a whole lotta damn on a male with a fat girlfirend?
Not that I'm pressuring that fat girlfriend issue again, but hey. Somehow SOME people would possibly thank me for my anti-sexist remark.
It's about time. I'm going to share you my top 5 choices for college. I gotta stop reading forum shits about this.
1. UP-Diliman - No questions asked, definitely hands-down to this one.
2. University of California, San Diego - This one's higly tentative, but the surest thing ever is that it's on my list. And my list is definitely the only thing you want to get in if you want to be saved from extinction.
3. De La Salle University - Less conyos. You know I have a thing for conyos. I am one.
4. SLU - Any university located in somewhere under 30 degrees cold is good. And SLU's reputation has gotten really high these past years.
5. Harvard/Princeton/U-Penn/Brown/Yale - I AM DESPERATELY STUDYING MY CRAPPY ASS OFF TO GET IN AN IVY. Lemme Lemme please! I'd be really happy even if the Ivy-est university I get into is Dartmouth. IT'S STILL AN IVY
I bet you're wondering why ADMU's not up there.
Well, having your review center totally in front of Ateneo would really make you dislike the school. Moreover, hanging out in a fast food restaurant right in front of Ateneo would make you hate it more than ever.
I never liked Ateneo. During UAAP Season, I would always go for DLSU or UP.
If you want the reason why I hate that university, you can personally ask me. This subject is highly up for debate. A hotta hot hot debate that would probably lead to dismissive catfights and scratches and slits.
If you're in the mood to fight over it, remember that my house is highly Wi-Fi'd and the possibility of me being online all the time is 80%.
Try me.
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