This summer is truly something I would remember for some lame reasons. We went to a lot of places, which should make up for the summer time we wasted last year.
Let me say first that this blog is really, really, really not worth anything. Ok, so it's on the Top 50 best sites in the country according to one stupid website. But that's because I listed my blog there. It's like they don't even have a choice anyway.

The horse's A-hole is a fun watch.

This is how foggy it can get when afternoon comes.

The gadgets I only used during the whole trip. I swear. No MacBook and iPods.

Stupid kids who can't appreciate the humongous fog outside.

The pets that proxy-ed Sweetie's presence.
This trip is very nonsense. Don't ask. I didn't enjoy it. There are so many wannabe goofs in the lapping pool that I was only able to complete a lap of freestyle and breaststroke when closing time was near. Tch. Talk about swimming comebacks.

Nognog brother with our kasambahays.

The view from inside the cottage. The cottage became my sanctuary for God-Knows-How-Many hours, just so you know how dull I can get.
Tomorrow is the day. The day summer will soon be just a dream. The day my brain will work again. The day I shall forget whatever I stupidly did this summer.
Adobe Photoshop.
What's in a name? (By which we call a rose? Ugh.)
It used to be so addicting for me to edit pictures and amaze my siblings and friends. It used to be so fun downloading brushes from DevianART or some googled website and try to just blot and blot and blot them off in a plain canvas in the Photoshop environment.
GAH. It used to be my hobby. By which it misleadingly made me choose the wrong GIFT course.
I was never creative. That's why the only field I would specialize in this kind of hobby is Image Correction, where I would erase pimples..change the color of someone's hair..cut off fat and much other simple stuffs that nobody would find amazing.
And now, I have to say goodbye to this hobby. I don't want to do some flimsy hobby wherein most people take part in. I want to do something anybody can't easily do. And no, bungee jumping is not in the list. I'm still suffering from Acrophobia. It would take me years(exaggeration included, of course) for someone to convince me to go up and down on that long and high escalator at Shang. Go ask Monica. I bet she died of humiliation just because her friend seemed so uncivilized.
Dad and I made a good deal last night. The deal was, if he drinks another cognac or any other hard drink, I would go back into smoking.
Dad said it was a good deal.
I think so, too.
That sari-sari store in front of our house should be closed.
I was reading Kuya Victor's blog lately.
God. He's amazing. He started blogging when he entered high school. And now, he's already an incoming senior at UP-Diliman, taking up BA Film and Audio-Visual Communication. He's one smart guy.
He's my current idol. Forget Hitler.
bKt ngA b mHlig s Gn2 anG mGa pnOy sa pGttxt?
I don't know either.
But have you tried asking yourelf that stupid question? I'm sure it affects everyone in a different way. But he thing is, it's irritating. It's just like what Kuya Allan mentioned in his blog.
It's a stupid syndrome. And it's really annoying. Can we be more proper? I mean, what's the point of changing things up if it's change NOT for the better?
That Me and You syndrome should better have a medicine or something.
I was kinda considering into joining this blog into the Candy Teen Blog Awards 2007.
I failed one criteria.
Go figure what it is.
Read-worthy - 50%
The biggest chunk of your points will go to this. After all, we do visit blogs to read and view (if there are pictures!) them, right? Good blogs have interesting content and, let’s not forget, good grammar. ;-) Does your blog make your visitor want to read more?
Eye Candy - 25%
How well is your blog designed? Does your design tie up with your content? It’s everything about how you place your image headers, links, ads, etc. It’s all about the colors you use and the fonts, too. Does it look like a big confusing mess or an organized kind of clutter?
Consistency - 15%
How often do you update your content? It doesn’t mean that you do it everyday but you do update on a regular basis. Who would want to visit a blog that isn’t updated in a month, right?
Real Deal - 10%
How original is your site? From the design to the concept to the actual content, how much of is it is really yours? Pretty designs and graphics downloaded from other people can only take you so far, but engaging content made by you is what’s important.
I need opinions.
No way I'm going to put any pink-colored STUFF in here.
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