Wednesday, September 12, 2007


My eyes hurt. They really, really do. I stayed up till 3 am last night because of our freakin' backdrop for our dance in English. The backdrop looked like shit. Don't blame me, blame my lack of creativity.

Anyways, I found it really weird that people are actually studying for the upcoming ACET. Take last night's view of YM, for example. Almost all of my classmates and friend's status contains the word ACET or something that's like it. I remember the sight of my YM list during the ingenious UPCAT. God, you cannot even trace a single agitation among them all. And ergo, this just proves how low-spirited we can be. Analyze those things I've just said and the picture will surely be clear.

I'm exceptionally excited for our field trip to Mt. Banahaw on Friday. OH GIDDY. For the first time ever, my body's more than in the mood to taste the overwrought of discovering mother nature's cuteness in the southern part of the country. And to top the awkward trepidation all off, this will be my last über-cool field trip of all time. There will never be a time in college where I will have this ultimate outbound trip where I can be as stupid and as immature as I want to be.

In other words, this is yet the time of our lives. I know that there are still more things that shall enthuse us like hell(like the field trip), but GOD. This is the last field trip I'll ever go through wearing stench-driven uniforms.

I'm nostalgic again.

But who the hell cares? THIS IS MY LAST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL. And God knows why I have to stop being so immersed in my studies.


Looking through my past, I've actually only had 5 major breakthrough in my life per se. And these are:

1. Spelling Bee (WTF)

2. A Poem-Delivery Contest (Look, I don't get this one too. But all I remember is that I humiliated myself during my kindergarten years in a very childish way. I delivered the poem 'Little Boy Blue' in front of the whole school[very weird yet relevant actions included, of course.] Yeah well I won 1st place anyway, and I even got to take home this massive chess set as my prize. My parents weren't still proud of what I just did, really. My teachers and classmates never treated me the same freakin' way again after I won so.)

3. DAMATH (I think I grabbed the 2nd place in this one. DAMATH is a ripoff of checkers. Instead of the usual jumping-and-eating conventions, each piece has a number and each space has a mathematical operation. Guess what I got to take home again. And no, it's not massive this time)

4. The ever-notorious summer swimming competition (Okay, okay. This totally sucked BIG TIME. I won a silver medal for showing off my obese body to the public. Check out the post.)

5. Pauliworld (And it all ended last week. Pathetically ended, intently.)

So, why the hell am I showing off these agendas of extreme incongruity? Yeah well this may not actually be a deal to you, but guess whose absurdity just made her classmates choose her as their class representative for the on-the-spot essay writing contest for the Social Science month for Monday. No, it's not me.

Well, what the hell. It was me. Me. Me. Me. Lorainne. Paragas.

I just won a one-way ticket to a wrong and shameless endeavor. It cannot be reimbursed or traded for a ticket to the 9th level of hell instead. Crap.

And the next thing you'll know, I'm going to take home a fucking chess set again. I don't even know how to play chess, for Christ's sake.

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