Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm So Dumbfounded Right Now That's Why I Can't Think of A Good Title

Let's play pretend.

I'm going to pretend that I didn't take any entrance exam for any college yesterday, while you pretend to be feeling apathetic towards me. Easy, right?

And yet ending this superficial game is taking a toll on me. It is just THAT hard to do so anyway.



Unlike the UPCAT, I definitely did not have that unambiguous feeling of assurance that I will surely pass the ACET.

What is ACET? Let me acquaint you with my highly-nugatory experience with the aforementioned college entrance test that I took yesterday.

-ACET is simply the Ateneo College Entrance Test. It has 2 parts; the proficiency test which has english and mathematics as subtests, and on the other hand we have the loathsome aptitude test, which has logical reasoning, information, abstract reasoning, numerical ability and reading comprehension. What's my favorite part, you may ask? Well, it's that part where our examiner told us that we have a minute to go for the numerical ability part. I was finished ahead of time, since I used the infamous shot gun method again.

-ACET is not meant to be finished. I was surprised by this, of course. I thought it was the UPCAT that is not supposed to be finish. But what the hell did just happened? I sorta forced myself to answer it all. What a complete dumbass.

-ACET is approximately 75% more difficult than the UPCAT. Just imagine if the ACET is also right minus wrong. We would've died if it was so.

-ACET per se is not as interesting as the UPCAT was. There were no interesting people. All of them looked so...normal. And we all know that anything normal is as bas as conformity.

-ACET will not make you nervous if you despise Ateneo. I tried to be all nervous, because all the people in the room looked oh-so sweaty and gloomy and stuff. The examiner would surely have the impression that I got hold of a leakage or something, which is highly unlikely in the first place anyway. And GAH. It did not work. My seatmate kept throwing me nasty glances, and I would just grimace at him whenever he would. It was absolutely weird.

-ACET's aftermath was quite expected. I mean, all of those who took it(and even those who didn't) badly wants to get in Ateneo anyway. Generally speaking, it is pristinely because Ateneo has this pernicious reputation that its students are rich and smart at the same time. Yeah, I think that's absurd too, but let's face it; it's the pathetic truth. The only person I know who is still bitter because of the UPCAT is myself, and comparing that to the throng of batchmates I have who are all amaroidal about the ACET, I'm completely lost.

-ACET seriously sucked. Goodbye Applied Physics.


I have just been informed that my relatives are reading this filth.

And I'm seriously not liking it.

This blog is not intended to be read by anyone in the first place. But prior to what a blog is, it will be very hypocritical if I would protect this blog with a password.

And duh. That will seriously prove how much of a wimp I am.

You should get this by now.


Regine Guevara, my boss(because she's the batch EFC chair) told me a while ago that there will be a so-called 'flush drive'. And no, this is not a ripoff of a flash drive. I wish it was, so it wouldn't be as depressing as what it is really implying.

The fucking drive goes like this: people in my classroom are to tally how many times they have flushed a friggin toilet.

WTF. I'm betting that even God is finding this completely stupid. He is sure not finding any of this amusing, or forgivable at all. If I was God, I would've sent the person who started this crummy idea that we should keep track of the frequency of our flushing businesses to the 9th circle of hell. I find it greatly unjust though that there is no circle for those who are exercising their incongruity and ignorance. Can people just shut up if they don't have any good to blab about?

Person A: Ooh, let's play add-a-burden!
Person B: Yeah! Let's get it on!
Person A: The burden I'm going to add is all about abolishing GIFT, but I'll make all subjects be for 2 hours each day. Beat that!
Person B: Oh yeah? My burden is precisely about cutting their day short..hmm..I'll make them end classes on 1 PM, but I'll restrict the school buses, carpools, or even private cars.
Person A: What the...?! That's not even a burden!
Person B: Yes it is!
Person A: This burden would surely kill your brain cells out: I'm going to implement a flush drive! And the silver lining here is that the Science department will be the one to manage it. Uhuh? Uhuh?
Person B: *started to cry* That's the most brilliant burden I've ever heard! Thank you Lord for giving this person such absurdity!

And person A and B are both authorized persons of the school. God.


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