Thursday, February 07, 2008

Schizophrenia Madness

Lately I've been letting out my two personalities quite a lot. It starts in the morning, when something as irritating as the thought of our thesis and paperworks would suddenly pop out of somewhere. It would last till my brain finally settles down to an angle where it's comfortable to, then my usual ego would appear. I'm hating it, really.

I would frown and keep quiet for no reason at all when my alter schizoid would take place. I would just nod if one of my seatmates would ask if I'm alright, then I would act all proper and clean my place. After that, I would find everything unusually austere. I don't really know who the hell I truly am when my sterile ego butts in. I am neither the owner of this blog, or a conceited fatass. I am neither Oyen, or some laughing megalomaniac. I am neither someone who lacks social skills, or a bothersome jackass.

I become a nobody.


I've finished reading this nifty synopsis of George Orwell's 1984 a while ago. Of all of the mandatory novels I've read for English class, 1984 is exactly the only one that is mind-gripping, and can make you hungry for more action. It may not be as good as Mario Puzo's The Godfather series, or as suspenseful as Dan Brown's Digital Fortress, however, it's so well-written that I want to have a copy of the whole book so badly.

I want to write what's 1984 all about, but that doing so would kill the readers of this trashy blog because of boredom, at the least.

And besides, nobody's that obsessed to a damn novel anyway.


Watching the toilet flush my shit down is probably my realization moment. It makes me wonder how a thing like that of the toilet can eat up a gunk of feces in a snap. As I watch my shit that was being sucked down, I come to think of the availability of an apparatus that can suck gunks of life's craps.

That would be so fucking cool.

I mean, if you come to think of it, life will not suck if it weren't for life's shit. It's a burden why we have to act like huge toilets and suck it all up. It's such a friggin burden too why we have excessively emotional people to drag us all to dread about it (READ: emo kids).

Here is a short list of craps of life I wish some nice toilet invented by a brainiac (make that a MAC brainiac) would suck up:

-backstabbing friends (what an irony)
-former boyfriends/acquaintances (you cannot, for the love of God, build a simple friendship with them without mentioning the miserable past.)
-love (it will never ever make our world go round. damn those powerpuff girls.)
-theses (and the like)
-conceptual subjects
-damn cheaters (in all aspects, that is)

I can't ponder enough reasons why these things should exist further.


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