Wednesday, April 02, 2008


You find this very irritating, of course. Actually, anything that's done repetitively is irritating, except for winning. God, how you love winning stuffs. Doesn't everybody? You get free stuffs most of the times, and your self-esteem is at its highest level. Don't forget the attention, alright. But you're no attention whore like those social climbers you see at school everyday. You're just a simple high school student, trying to get through college algebra and velocity-time graphs. You grab the top part of your blanket that's covering your head off, then you instantly get up. That's no surprise for mommy, you guess, as she looks at you approvingly and greets you a sweet 'Good Morning!' instantly.

Very unfortunately, you can't greet her likewise since, well, it isn't a good morning. Heck, every morning has been such a bad start for your school days, and there are a lot of stuffs you can think of to blame. As your mom gets up from your bed, she placidly mutters some words that if put into the right arrangement would mean something like the classic 'hurry up, you'll be late for school', or the modified and nastier 'Get your ass up and brush your friggin teeth. You smell like some cat's shit'. You let out a weak laugh by the thought of the latter and walk to the bathroom's mirror to check out your face. People say that you look like what you feel (or was it a song? Nobody remembers). In this case, you feel smashed and wrecked and bulldozed by bazillion machines. You're fucking tired of feeling sorry for yourself, since indeed feeling sorry for one's self is the last thing a senior student should do.

Now you ask yourself what caused the dark circles (with a diameter of about, I don't know, 3cm? or maybe 10m. You'll definitely go with 10 since hyperboles are the new iPods or something.) around your eyes. Was it because of that third chapter of your thesis you did by yourself - again? Or was it because of your investigatory project that's going completely nowhere? Maybe it's because of the 1000-word essay that's due tomorrow, and the only thing you've accomplished for it was to type your name, your section, the date, and your English teacher's name.

No, you whisper. It wasn't because of the academic pressure you've been feeling since forever. It's college, isn't it? Well, you ignore the thought of it as you quickly open the faucet and wash your tormented face. You know deep inside that your stressed-out appearance can be easily wiped out by the wonders of technology in the field of cosmetics, but your weak heart, mind, and body will always be fed up of everything. Enough of the dramatic soliloquy, you think as you wipe your face and take your clothes off to take an awakening shower.

[To be continued]


I can't believe I'm living in an unsafe land.

I know, I know. Such an incessant yet useless generalization yet again. Nothing's really good around here in the city anymore, for sure. I can't even feel safe in my own bathroom, for Christ's sake. I have this weird feeling that somebody/something's looking at me even if my bathroom only has a small window. Or maybe it's God? No, no, I'm no religious advocate (but I do believe in God. Nobody can really tell that I love God. Damn, I'm such a cool person.), but I know God gives us some little privacy, at the very least. Unlike someone I know who even uses cameras to sneak into people's ass. Yeah, it's Big Brother. How'd you know? What a smart idiot, ain't he (or she? Maybe Big Brother's a pseudonym for some bisexual who wants to earn six figures or something.)?

I mean, if you come to think of it, the earth itself is an unsafe planet. Don't worry, Al Gore's not going to butt in here. Criminally speaking, every fucking corner in this earth is not tolerable by any means. You just have to be mugged or kidnapped or killed at least once in your life. I bet that Singapore (the world's safest country) has kidnappers and the like too. The only difference probably is that their kidnappers are so Nickelodeon-wise that each gang is assigned to a particular group of kiddos. Like, Yi Gang kidnaps kids who adore Spongebob, or or Er Gang kidnaps kids who adore that Dora the Explorer kid. In that way, the kidnappers can chat with the kids and well..have fun, most likely. (I'm just fooling around. Mr. Ramanathan. Oh please please please don't kill me. Kill Dora instead. I swear to God, she's way way waaaaay more idiotic than me. SPARE ME!)

On a lighter note, maan I hate that Dora kid. Where the hell are her fucking parents anyway? My mom would never ever let me explore the whole subdivision with some talking backpack and a weird homosexual monkey who wears big red boots when I was a kid, let alone explore the whole damned nation. And what is up with that Swiper? God, I told you the world ain't a good place to live anymore. Look at that, a snatcher who disguises himself as a fox? And why the hell didn't any criminal think of that one before? It sucks though that Swiper only takes things that aren't even valuable, and it sucks more to know that he doesn't even take these things with him. He just grabs some random piece of wood needed by Dora and hides it in the bushes a foot away from the Spanish kid. Damn, that is one weird fox. He probably doesn't have friends since for a fox, he looks so stupid walking with his two back foot. And as if that's not eerie enough, he has this blue blindfold around his eyes. All he wanted all along was to be friends with Boots and invite him to a cold mountain with a flock of sheep to sleep in a warm, warm tent.


Belated Happy April Fools', everybody!

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