Saturday, November 18, 2006

Emotional Dilemmas.

I am so pissed off. I'm having so much problems right now, and none of them ain't academic nor anything to do with my family. But first, let's start with the good news.

1. I am really gonna get that Black/White MacBook this Christmas. Or even earlier or something. My dad told me that he already ordered online, and he asked for our right address and zip code. I am so happy.

2. The hard work my batch had been doing has totally paid off yesterday. Ok, so I was really expecting that we would champion in cheering and overall, but still. We were, again, 1st runner-up in both fields. But there was a tinge of that expectation that we would NOT even land on the 2nd place, because something fishy was going on between the whole high school.

Apparently, 2 other batches started to form an alliance called the "S" team. And their technique of pissing us off is so nasty. One batch would cheer for another and so forth and so on. It was so driving mad all the way that after that volleyball game last Thursday ended unfairly, the whole batch started to show their shattered emotions by crying. I hate it when people cry, and so I consoled some of them.

The sad thing was we were being sandwiched. Those 2 batches are hating us to pieces because we are very good in one way or another. They are scared that we might tip them off as the highest batch if we won, so those 2 batches sandwiched their way into beating us. But the good thing was they didn't suceeded in any of what they did. In my own opinion, the seniors just used the sophomores in an old-fashioned way of winning. You should just see the look on their faces when the sophomores just won 1st in cheering. Mouths were hanging open, and just staring at the whole scene.

I decided that we should just be contented in placing as 2nd in both fields I started to look deeper into the seniors' cheer "One last cheer, One last year" . I thought that we were being selfish in planning to beat them off in the 1st place. Why just can't we let them have it this time? It was, in fact, their last year. So hooray for everyone who showed the spirit of sportmanship during the intramurals. Burn in hell for those who didn't. Seriously.

CONGRATS JUNIORS TEAM! OLA CHICA VIVA JUNIORS!! God, I want to go cheering again.

3. No GIFT classes last week, no siree!

And now, let me turn into a sad and homeless girl. And by homeless, I mean friendless.

Of course I'm happy that we won 2nd in the intramurals, but that doesn't mean that the whole event itself was so pleasing. People are starting to get selfish and bitchy. I don't know what's with the Sportsfest season, but it's making people get selfish in terms of friendship.

I used to be so happy that I belong to a certain group of friends that I would really be proud of that I have. But now that they're gone, all I have is just 3 friends(one is a classmate) in the whole high school to truly be worthy to be called friends. At least they're my true friends. I wouldn't backstab them even if I would die or anything, and I'm sure they would do the same because they all know I'm the true-est friend you'll ever had. I'm never gonna backstab you guys in exchange for liposuction, or a lifetime membership in Fitness First or any other thing. Becaue then I wouldn't call you guys my family.

Okay, one more bad news. Ellen's birthday cake was stolen by.....someone. I'm sorry that your cake was lost, Ellen. Baka sa Monday andun na yun.

Ok. I'm off. I gots to do sooo many things. Damn this post-intrams feeling.

Currently reading: Nothing.
Currently listening to: The Suffering-Coheed and Cambria
Currently feeling: Homeless. Really homeless.

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