Sunday, March 30, 2008

Parental Control

I was watching this fuckingly immature reality show called 'Parental Control' a while ago and believe me, watching one episode alone is enough to excruciate your whole system. To those who haven't caught it on ETC, you're lucky that my brain's working amidst the inhuman heat the sun's giving out outside and I can clearly remember how the stupid show goes. I mean, who the hell wouldn't? The producers of the show just threw in some parents who are completely deranged and incidentally hate the boyfriend of their one and only daughter whom I assume is nowhere near educated. If you're educated, then you would know that joining a juvenile show is already imbecile, let alone a reality show with your parents and two guys they want you to have a relationship with.

Ah, quit it. I don't want to talk about things like this anymore. I'm a grown-up (or so I think I am) and grown-ups don't talk about insane reality shows. They talk about college, and careers, and having kids and..

I don't want to be a grown-up. I don't even want to grow up. God, just take me to that Neverland place where nobody ever grows, even an inch. I don't care if the only Neverland place that exists here on earth is that of Michael Jackson's ranch, fuck it. You can never ever go wrong with a place so fucking gay. And very expensive, for that matter.

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