Yesterday was my final examination for LBYCH11/ChemLab. I did minimal studying the night before, yet to my surprise, I was still able able to answer the items. It sure was a good thing that the final examination was held at V415 or hence the drawing room, where the stools and drawing tables are far apart from each other. There was this one part in the test that wants us to identify the names of the illustrated laboratory apparatuses. I found the last item so hilarious (because of two things: I don't know what the hell it was, and damn, it sure does look like a friggin bottle.), that I kept on snickering like a pilyo kid. Good thing my nose holes flare up to a radius of 10cm.
So yeah, after the exam, my friends and I did our own errands and came together for our last regular day as freshman students. We reminisced those funny like HELL moments, which are all still lingering in our minds. Like that time when our algebra professor arrived wet n' wild, with just a few seconds remaining for the class to be adjourned because she's late, and that time when we were still getting to know each other, trying to get accustomed with everybody's personality. Ah, you just gotta love these eng people. They make even the corniest and cheesiest of jokes seem so hilarious. I don't want to spend my college life with anyone else other than you guys.
After trying to defy Chino's pulling arms as he dropped me off at the LRT station, I climbed upstairs to ride the train so I can go home and get myself some sleep already. But as I felt the heat getting stronger and stronger, I texted Monica and invited her for a dip in the pool. Who wants to sleep in this time of the day, when the sun's fucking everybody's brains out anyway? And man, I miss the pool more than anything else. I don't care if people would see my bulging fat, or end up getting a bad tan. I just want to swim and swim; my body's thirsting for some chlorine-infested water.
As I arrived home, I prepared my things and asked Monica to pick me up, since she loves driving anyway. I rummaged my mom's bathroom for a sunblock but sadly, I found nothing. Looks like I'm really in for a bad tan. But I didn't really care. I waited for Monica downstairs, and when she arrived, boy, I just felt this weird excitement all over me. I want to swim! Let's swim now! Please! JP! Rudy! Penguin! Man, I miss those good times. I remember asking my maid to ask my coach's name way way back, and the name 'dipri' was born. My coach's name is JP, actually. I don't know where the hell she got 'dipri'.
But Monica, being the bitch that she truly was, had to eat her super late lunch at their house. I just sat and watched her enjoy her meal, while my body was already begging me to plunge in the pool already. We went upstairs so we can get over the whole 'Ooh-look-I-have-a-rockband' thing already. And well, we played.
We friggin played.
And I swear to God, rockband is AWESOME. The microphone is awesome. The drum set is awesome. But the fender guitar? Nah, I'd rather play with my GH guitar. I had fun singing while Monica played with the drums. The drum set looks pretty complex, but after this term ends, I would spend every day playing that shit. And I want to spend my birthday in Frii Spirit, too. God, please send me some cash.
After completing System of A Down's Chop Suey, we left their house and walked our way to the village clubhouse. My eyes formed big circles as I saw the sparkling pool. We quickly payed the fee and picked a cottage to put our things in. I took off my clothes so rapidly and jumped in the pool as soon as i threw my towel on the bushes.
And well, the rest of the afternoon was history. We bonded like two kids from different schools, talked about our professors and our subjects, and of course, our respective crushes. After she dropped me off at our house, I hurriedly went to my room to look at my face. My cheeks were burning and my arms are all tan. But I didn't dwell too much on how I really looked like, but it was how much everything has changed since, oh I don't know, forever?
Yesterday was definitely the day that I realized how many endeavors I was able to get through already. I'll be leaving my teenage years in a month, and all I can say is, I am ready to face another chapter in my life. I was already able to get through my insecurities and be contented to what I already have during these years and I only have myself to thank for. I'm smart. I'm pretty. I'm responsible. I'm mature. And even if others would try to contradict everything I've said, you should know that I know myself better than all of you do.
Womanhood? Sure. Count me in.
I saw you again.
I tried to divert my attention to something else, but to my misery, I failed.
It's you that I still want, and crave for.
It's you that I want to be with.
Cuz my heart starts beating triple time
With thoughts of lovin' you on my mind
I can't figure out just what to do
When the cause and cure is you, you
With thoughts of lovin' you on my mind
I can't figure out just what to do
When the cause and cure is you, you
I love you. I really do. Please be with me. I'm ready to give in, I swear.
Damn you, chocolates. You got me again.
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