Although I'm not a writer, I'm having a hardcore writer's block right now. I don't know what I want to write about. I'm clueless about stuffs right now.
We were watching Project Runway last night on ETC. I was flabbergasted at this episode because not only was Andrae Gonzalo gone, but the makeover dress Daniel designed for Chloe sucked so hard I bet my grandma would vomit of she saw it. I think Daniel kinda missed Andrae and he really used his immunity to be dismissed from the competition. But whatever. I still love him anyway. I mean, converting Daniel Vosovic to his original masculinity is still on top of my things-to-do-before-I-die list. I still want to marry him, and have kids with him, and let him design EVERY clothing I would wear, even my undies and socks.

And right after watching Project Runway, I watched Queer Eye for The Straight Guy. The episode was a total replay. It featured Chris Lim, a Filipino who apparently migrated in Canada but moved in New Jersey with his new wife, Michelle Bacani. It was really a total laughtrip for me and my sister every time Michelle's dad would speak. His dad has this very Filipino accent, and even spoke Filipino once. But the sad part of it all was every Filipino in the Reception thingy didn't really spoke Filipino. I mean, I expected some 'Salamat' and 'Kamusta', but I heard none of these. Sadly, even the Reception thingy is not very Filipino-oriented. Everything is, as I see it.
I hate Halloween. I used to like it, but now I come to hate it as every Halloween passes by.
It is a tradition for me to go to our province(Dagupan City, Pangasinan) every Halloween. And since then, I enjoyed the thrill of road trippin' in the wee hours of the morning. And sooner on, the only reason I go there every Halloween/Family Reunion thing is just because of the road-crashing trip, not the event itself.
I asked my grandpa if I could just stay in the car the whole occasion. I mean, I can survive with just a bag of chips and a soda and something I can fix, like a broken motherboard or a broken PSP. I don't really mind the sweat, nor the heat. And when the call of nature comes, I would sneak in to a washroom in one of the houses there. My mom used to let us do that whenever we go to Quiapo. We would have to wait in the car for her to buy her stuffs there. See? Effective, right?
The sole reason is because all my relatives who are living in the Paragas Compund are soooo discriminating. Ok, I'm fucking big, so what? They are all giving me these sad comments that are making me more depressed on my weight issues. I don't know if they're jealous of me because I don't look like them. They look like milk fishes and prawns. And I do not look like any of those creatures. I look like my mom, which is half a creature.
But just like Jack Black, I won't let those people come my way.
Tomika: "Why won't you go on a diet?"
Mr. Schneebly: "Bee-cause, I like to eat. Is that such a sin?"