Saturday, June 03, 2006


Guess where I went in the past 4 days. Come on, guess. It's easy. It starts with a B, it's the summer capital of the Philippines and two words, Barrel Man.

Get it? Yes. It's Baguio. How extravagant. For that correct guess, you'll get a penis keyring. You can claim your prize in here. Riight.

Ok. So I went to Baguio last Wednesday with my aunt and some bunch of other doctors from The Medical City. Oh yes, TOTAL big time.

Oh, and what was I, a nobody, got inside a trip for doctors? FORRRR doctors? I dunno. I guess it's allowed for them to bring in their maids, so the niftiest aunt in the world thought of inviting me. She doesn't have her own maid, so she might as well bring her maid-looking niece. How tragic.

So, to summarize things up, I've enjoyed it. Not totally, because most of the time, I'd rather spent my precious time in the Hotel Elizabeth rather than going with some bunch of doctors going either to a convention or some wag-wagan(ukay-ukay/shops selling used clothes) in front of Burnham Park. And you know what made this trip awesome? Oh yes. The Biggie treatment. We were treated as if we're kings and queens of some big island in the Meditarreanean. And everything else were free. All of it, minus the money spent on souvenirs, ukays, and extra food, in case we're in the mood to really pig ourselves out.

And another thing, I suffered a minor injury that goes by the name BUTTACHE/ASSACHE. I mean, it would be redundant if you're not experiencing it if you're traveling by land or air(I get really bad assaches on planes.)cause duh, where the hell would your butt be? on the driver's face, perhaps?

And for the record, I recieved over 70 text messages from 20 different people while I'm in B. How cutesy. But when I'm in Manila, I'd be lucky if I recieve one text message in a week. People hate me because I suck, but they'll love me if I'm in somewhere really far from them. As if I have this contagious disease. Mrf.

And if there is any doctor who is currently reading this filth right now, you guys can't really persuade me into being a doctor/nurse/red cross volunteer, or any humanitarian work. I hate saving people's lives. I just do. What's the stupid point in saving them anyway? Why just can't they fic and save themselves? In that way, all of us will be happy. Screw you, Marvel Comics people.

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