I just want to show my sister that I know she's been reading my blog even if she keeps on denying it. Oh you bitch you. I saw my blog's screenshot in your Opera homepage yesterday and well, I'm just being proud here that you finally gave up your stupid pride. Nobody can just resist a trashy blog like this.
So in honor of what you are doing, I am making this out-of-the-blue entry just for you.
Congratulations for passing the DLSU-CET. I know my school is not really one of those places you want to study in, but the hell I care. I've been very open about my idea of not allowing you to enroll in the same school where I am currently taking up my degree, because I'd really hate it if we run into each other or be stuck in an elevator together. We've been in the same school for our primary and secondary education, and for Christ's sake I don't want us to be in the same educational institution for tertiary education. I want you to be in a place where you can be your true self, free from my sisterly captives. It'll be fun if you end up in the blue side, you know. At least Mom can now stop bragging about her Lasallite kids and forgetting about the fact that you are no Lasallite, and you never will be, because you're born to be one of them blue kids at Katipunan.
But still, hats off to you. I'm sorry for crossing my fingers all year long, hoping that you would fail this thing. What the hell was I thinking, anyway? You're smart, and there's no doubt that you can get through all things you want to go to. I may be smarter, but...well, you are good in cooking, though. To be an engineer, a cook, or a mathematician, I don't care what you will choose among these. I just want you to be happy in whatever decision you will make. Look at me now...I mean, I may look like a a panda with these ugly eye bags that the first term and second term of college undoubtedly gave me, but I'm still happy that I chose to be an engineer rather than my other dreams. There's a bright future for both of us, provided that we don't slack off and waste Dad's money.
Oh and yeah, we have two more days left to clean our room thoroughly. Quit pretending that you're asleep so we can get through this shit already.
Again, congratulations!

MTH-CAP = BS Mathematics with specialization in Computer Applications whatever. As if I can remember the whole thing anyway.
And to my non-existent readers who are wondering where the hell I am, my drafted posts will be hopefully and finally available here later. I'm sorry for forgetting that I do have a blog and a good one at that. I just had this HUGE block and it took me some time to take it out of my head. Thoughts are finally flowing and yeah, God is good.
Happy New Year!
1 comment:
hey, I came across your site through a blogging directory. I'm trying to find blogs to add to my blogroll at GuideToBeingaTeenager.com and I was wondering if you would add a link to my site on your blog in return.
let me know,
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