That title is just for goofing up. Really.
Well, it's christmas again. Same old christmas trees, lights, decorations, gifts and food, for that matter. It's gonna be boring as HELL again.
I will surely be bored to death, oh bloggy. You know why? I'm gonna go to that stinkin' Disneyland in Hong Kong where everything is at its fakest. Fake smiles, fake prettiness and fake sexuality. I will really hate my christmas. Really really really really.... And for that matter, my mom said that I should be happy because not all kids this Christmas will be going to Disneyland. I said, "Bakit hindi na lang sila yung pumunta, instead na ako?". Yeah, whatever. I told this one to myself, anyway.
My dad will be coming back from Poland tomorrow for christmas. Am I happy now? Yes, oui, oo, and tak. And why? Certainly because he'll be granting my wishes. Possibly, he will be my fairy grandfather for 2 weeks.. Lemeheer you say "NOoooo!" Ha-ha.
uhh...well. gotta go.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
If you only knw me...know everything, know them! I'd married you sooner.....

hell, yeah. im looovin them.
This some-kinda flu I got is really unbearable. GOD! Since our family day, I sooo can't get enough of this band. I had memorized ALL their songs, (yep, even Armageddon is Coming and Blue Moon) and...all of that is note enough.
Oh bloggy, if only you are a witness of my undying loove to....undying love to......HIM! no, not JM, but...HIM. His voice makes me quiver...His humor makes me laugh the hell out of me...and his songs...makes me go TRALALALALALALAL!!!!!!!
Well, ok, I'm being a moron again, but how will you act if you are in my shoes now? my sandals? my chucks? AHHHH.......I'd recieved my gretest gift yet;having a crush. Ha-ha.
DAMMIT! LEAVE HIM ALONE! HE'S ALREADY 25 years old!....I can't be in looooove with someone 11 years older than me...NEVER!
I can't write anything sensible, bloggy-dee-blog-blog. HE is the only person that matters to me now.

MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA!!!!....too bad I have to catch a pirated dvd in order to watch it NOW. as in this MONTH. i hate MMFF!!!

CHARMED THIRDS!!....I will surely looove the 3rd installment, ladies. TOO BAD it's not available here yet.

THESE GUYS..'nuff said everyone.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
at last.
It has been a...month. That's it. a month since i wrote in this filth. Yep. bummer.
School had started, and there comes the laziness that will bind us all. I'm now in my 2nd year, which I regret is an advantage to bully the freshies. See, academic thingys will be a block, a big block to this one.
->EEk! I hate biology.
->Like I said, Algebra has a crush on all of us. Why? He keeps following us whenever we go.
-> No comment.
-> Yep. Finally. A subject that I won't regret.
-> Oh yeah, I love God. And God, thank you for the Summation symbol, now our lives will be more miserable.
-Asian History
-> I doubt that I'll hate this one. But our BROCHURE project is the one I'll be regreting for the rest of my life.
-> Composting will play a big role on this subject, and passador too.
->Compulsary. Ack.
These subjects are prior to make us all have eye bags down to our mouth, and drooling salivas up to our hips These exaggeration will save us all. Trust me.
School had started, and there comes the laziness that will bind us all. I'm now in my 2nd year, which I regret is an advantage to bully the freshies. See, academic thingys will be a block, a big block to this one.
->EEk! I hate biology.
->Like I said, Algebra has a crush on all of us. Why? He keeps following us whenever we go.
-> No comment.
-> Yep. Finally. A subject that I won't regret.
-> Oh yeah, I love God. And God, thank you for the Summation symbol, now our lives will be more miserable.
-Asian History
-> I doubt that I'll hate this one. But our BROCHURE project is the one I'll be regreting for the rest of my life.
-> Composting will play a big role on this subject, and passador too.
->Compulsary. Ack.
These subjects are prior to make us all have eye bags down to our mouth, and drooling salivas up to our hips These exaggeration will save us all. Trust me.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Why Summer's a "gotta go".......
So..... in just a matter of hours, the first morsel of raindrop...'drops' on my head. And I mean that, literally.
The first sign of rain!
I was overwhelmed, that I bathed in the rain. I don't even know why I loved rain that much. To summer, goodbye...!
And here are some of the things that'll be tackled by the throng..., and will be remembered as "happened last summer".
-Karol Josef Wojtyla, mostly known as Pope John Paul II, died on April 19-ish.
-After the mournings... the cardinals elected a new one, which is Joseph Ratzinger, or Pope Benedict XVI.
-Miss Canada won the Miss Universe title....
-Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of The Sith, premiered worldwide on May 19, grossing at a whopping 17 million on its first week.
-My most boring birthday ever happened. Nice.
-El Nino came to the Philippines, and all of us was so desperate to be in the beaches, which, to my observation is far more inconvinient, pertaining to the goddamn 90 degree heat.
So say farewell to summer and scream hello at the rain and school season.
too lazy....uhmmm...signing off....
The first sign of rain!
I was overwhelmed, that I bathed in the rain. I don't even know why I loved rain that much. To summer, goodbye...!
And here are some of the things that'll be tackled by the throng..., and will be remembered as "happened last summer".
-Karol Josef Wojtyla, mostly known as Pope John Paul II, died on April 19-ish.
-After the mournings... the cardinals elected a new one, which is Joseph Ratzinger, or Pope Benedict XVI.
-Miss Canada won the Miss Universe title....
-Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of The Sith, premiered worldwide on May 19, grossing at a whopping 17 million on its first week.
-My most boring birthday ever happened. Nice.
-El Nino came to the Philippines, and all of us was so desperate to be in the beaches, which, to my observation is far more inconvinient, pertaining to the goddamn 90 degree heat.
So say farewell to summer and scream hello at the rain and school season.
too lazy....uhmmm...signing off....
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
the heat is on... the heat is oh-on...
Ahhh...Summer. the coolest season of them all where lanky girls can show off that crazy butt. The time of where any non-summer studying student will surely enjoy. The season wherein Havaianas is out of Chocolate. The season wherein the holy week is too early. Ahh..summer...who'll live without you?
Let's start this off by asking ourselves(whatever..) what are our plans. After a ambiguous time of thinking and planning and so on...see the summer get-to-know-yourself chart:
Let's start this off by asking ourselves(whatever..) what are our plans. After a ambiguous time of thinking and planning and so on...see the summer get-to-know-yourself chart:
- If you have plans of taking any..(note: ANY, AND I MEAN ANYTHING) summer lessons, well then, I assure you that you'll have a boring summer, since you want to learn new stuffs instead of resting your butt in the white sand. Ever heard of relaxation? You definetly need that.
- If you have plans of just sleeping/staying in your house/room all summer, I'll assure you that you'll have a more boring summer than those who are taking summer classes. Why don't you set off to a summer vacation instead? Huh?
- If you have plans of of going to Boracay, Puerto Galera and Subic....'nuff said. You truly deserve to be a summer lover. You treasure every second of your freedom, and in fact, you WILL not care about the issues that will or might happen to the country. You WILL just care about your tankini/one-piece/two-piece/no-piece, the apple shake in your left hand, and your Creative Zen/ Apple iPod/ Apple iShuffle in your left. What a conio-tic life....
Let Summer 2005 begin!
Movie of the Moment: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie!
Book of the Moment: Deception Point by Dan Brown
Music of the Moment: Too Crazy by South Border
Have a nice and cool summer! üüüü
Saturday, March 05, 2005
"A tearful goodbye for the seniors"- Janella soldiers
"My a thiiiissssssssss......" as the song wailed out.
"sniff.... I'll missyou know. I'll really miss HIM.." as most of them bi's teared out..
It's a great wonder why our school, SPCP, a gil's institue has boys in them. I always gross and bleech myself off when I see most of my classmates, shining and shimmering of twinkling smiles, when they hear the word "Rivo", "Rizo". Are they twins? Is that an issue? Nah. Just kiddin' them "BOYS".
It is also a great wonder how your heart can easily melt during a senior turn-over event. I mean, seniors are probably the one who should wail in front of the Freshies, but wait.... Who cried? The soldiers. The Seniors-followers soldiers. The freshmen soldiers.But considering those etiquettes they had shown to the seniors, the flash made it all happen. The happy moments pics, the words, and what the hell would you feel if :
"sniff.... I'll miss
It's a great wonder why our school, SPCP, a gil's institue has boys in them. I always gross and bleech myself off when I see most of my classmates, shining and shimmering of twinkling smiles, when they hear the word "Rivo", "Rizo". Are they twins? Is that an issue? Nah. Just kiddin' them "BOYS".
It is also a great wonder how your heart can easily melt during a senior turn-over event. I mean, seniors are probably the one who should wail in front of the Freshies, but wait.... Who cried? The soldiers. The Seniors-followers soldiers. The freshmen soldiers.
- You are a senior
- You saw your pic in the flash presentation
- You saw your friends' pic in the flash presentation
- You reminisce the places of St. Paul.
- You reminisce Cryzelle...(may she rest in peace...)
- You loove singing The PMS and the PH more than the latest Spongecola hit
- You adore Sis. Agana more than any creature living?
Oh yes. probably you'll be wailing more indigneously than your co-mentors.
To all the seniors, good luck to college, and to your own life.
Song of the moment: Jopay by Mayonnaise
Book of the moment: The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.
Movie Of the moment: Mean Girls@@@@@@@@@@@
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
The Ultimate Valentine's Day Survival bloggy for the 'untied'.......
Ahhh...Valentine's.....Cupids,....wings.....bows and arrows....I say this totally SUCKS...I'm not with someone!
I hate the world///////////////
Survival list...
I hate the world///////////////
Survival list...
- Take a bath...-this is necessary.period.
- Do not attempt to watch or listen to sentimental things that'll just make you wail like a pig.
- Love yourself....-necessary enough
- Heart's on Monday, so you have an excuse to your unreliable friends why you can't go out...
- Talk to your driver or your yayas abou their love stories..-kilig enough
- Do not to much..
- Spend the night with YM peeps, and hear their own opinions about Valentine's. Maybe you'll meet your soulmate...and voila!!! a really remarkeable Valentine's after all!!!
All rightey......I'm outta here.... Gotta get mushy na......
Song of the Moment: Una by Spongecola!
Book of the Moment: Canal dela Reina......DESPERATE>>>
Movie of the Moment: Down with Love
Friday, January 14, 2005
Shit. Total Shit.
I am so shit. What the hell did I do to make this "karma" around? Oh God. LKet me tell you the WHOOOLE story..'ayt??
Once there was me, and my really cool life. I keep failing stupid Exams, but I never failed a subject. I can describe myself as a great gal, with such cool ambitions. But then one day, it started when Thea had "accidentally" trapped my poor pinkie against the door of our school bus. I guess it really hurts, but I really ignored it, for the sake of myself..
The next day was the most stupid ones, where I had "accidentally" (again? dunno..) trapped my whole hand on the door of our bathroom. It REALLy did hurt.. Yep. I cried. A lot. But the good thing is that no one did saw me..shit.
The next day..the one which is after the next day above, was the most "stupid ones" I've ever had. I was in my batch shirt and carrying my radio when I fell on the ground. That caused my foot to ache or something. I am sooo eager to come to school but my foot is really stinging me badly. I tried to look normal in school, but the limp-iness can't really hide the fact "that-my-foot-is-killing-me-so-walk-fastly-moron thing.
The next day, I decided not to come to school, because of my 3 karmas. And my mom said that if I keep walking, my foot will be derived from its pain and I'll collapse in no time. I want to go to school. Fuck. I want to cheer the freshmen team. "We strive for glory..we're hungry for victory..Our spirits soar high, We'll start and end this fight..." But what the hell happened? WHAT THE HELL happened?? Oh, I just fell again. Ok, that's it. I'll be going to school everyday in wheelchair, looking aged.
And now??? My foot is so shit. I can't even walk alone anymore. I have to have someone to help me. That's why I'm still here, limping. I guess I don't trust chain letters that much. And maybe..this just a stupid COINCIDENCE.. God help me... I can't believe I'm crying right now..
Once there was me, and my really cool life. I keep failing stupid Exams, but I never failed a subject. I can describe myself as a great gal, with such cool ambitions. But then one day, it started when Thea had "accidentally" trapped my poor pinkie against the door of our school bus. I guess it really hurts, but I really ignored it, for the sake of myself..
The next day was the most stupid ones, where I had "accidentally" (again? dunno..) trapped my whole hand on the door of our bathroom. It REALLy did hurt.. Yep. I cried. A lot. But the good thing is that no one did saw me..shit.
The next day..the one which is after the next day above, was the most "stupid ones" I've ever had. I was in my batch shirt and carrying my radio when I fell on the ground. That caused my foot to ache or something. I am sooo eager to come to school but my foot is really stinging me badly. I tried to look normal in school, but the limp-iness can't really hide the fact "that-my-foot-is-killing-me-so-walk-fastly-moron thing.
The next day, I decided not to come to school, because of my 3 karmas. And my mom said that if I keep walking, my foot will be derived from its pain and I'll collapse in no time. I want to go to school. Fuck. I want to cheer the freshmen team. "We strive for glory..we're hungry for victory..Our spirits soar high, We'll start and end this fight..." But what the hell happened? WHAT THE HELL happened?? Oh, I just fell again. Ok, that's it. I'll be going to school everyday in wheelchair, looking aged.
And now??? My foot is so shit. I can't even walk alone anymore. I have to have someone to help me. That's why I'm still here, limping. I guess I don't trust chain letters that much. And maybe..this just a stupid COINCIDENCE.. God help me... I can't believe I'm crying right now..
Song of the Moment: Karma by Alicia Keys...
Book of The Moment: Sloppy Firsts
Movie Of the moment: The Core...devastation is connected to my life right now
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