Friday, June 08, 2007

You Can't Find Nothing At All, If There Was Nothing There All Along

That Death Cab for Cutie song is getting on my nerves. Why? Simply because it's right for one thing or another, but I'm too moo-ified to tell anyone about it. Sorry Bloggy.

That last post is the most disgusting thing I've ever written about. But it makes me wonder why I don't want to delete it.

Maybe it's true love.


Okay. It's official. I'm in Room 2 this year. I'm very delighted to know that for my last year in that helluva stinky school, they chose to complete MY room pattern. See, when I was in 1st year, I was in Room 2. Second to Third was reflected on Room 6. And now, room 2. That's a 2-6-6-2 to you.

It could've been really cool if I'm in room 6 again. You know, with the 6-6-6 ala devil pattern. That would've been so great.

Moreover, I was so happy when Charlene told me that she's also in room 2. And oh, God. You don't know how much being classmates with her means to me. She's a really really really REALLY true friend whom I've been through the thickness and thinness of high school life. And I'm more than proud to say say that.

I can now say that I'm really ready to face my last high school year.


What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is very high
You are a computer geek
Your strength is you actually have social skills
Your weakness is caffine
You think normal people are interesting
Normal people think that you are weird
This cool quiz by owlsamantha - Taken 279426 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes
How accurate is this quiz again? What if there's another Lorainne who's probably living in Africa or some place else who's birthday is ALSO on May 20? That would've been SO weird.

There's nothing much that's happening on my life right now. So sorry if that's all that I could narrate out of my squishy brain.

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