Guess who's terribly bored and refuses to study her modules.
You guessed right, oh bloggy. Everyone is. But what makes me different among the throng of lazy-asses is that the only thing that I've been up to since review classes ended 4 sagas ago is,
GAH. It gives me much relief that my blog isn't hopped by someone as bored and repulsive as me. On the other hand, I feel sorry for those people whose blogs I have been bombarding for the last 48 hours. Well, of course I mean that in a sardonic way. How the hell am I going to feel sorry towards them after giving me a might schmighty conclusion that I am, after all, a pretentious dumb-ass?
My ego went down like, 5 minutes ago, after reading a batchmate's blog. She was worried about her college application, because she haven't been an academic awardee for a damn while. Pfft. I haven't been an academic awardee since I entered St. Paul Pasig. Mind you, I hate that school. And you don't know how happy I am that my stay there's going to end next year. OH GIIDDY.
I'm pretty sad that I didn't live up my promise 8 years ago for my parents. I told them that I would try hard to graduate with flying colors come high school graduation, and I would make them proud by making them hang that medal on my long neck. Of course I didn't know by then that I would transfer to that jungley hobbley fuh-lirtyly school, and that high school life would be this hard and happy at the same time. So much for kiddo promises. They won't live anything except getting nailed on a slimey substance.
I finished reading Charmed Thirds last night.
It was good for the latter part, but for the first few seasons of Jessica Darling, I sure do expected more from Megan McCafferty. So for anyone who's reading the book, spoilers would be flying all around as you scroll down.
Second Helpings ended on Jessica Darling's mediocre-filled salutatory speech. See, Jessica Darling and me have so much in common, but differs on one thing. Jessica Darling has a 3.50-something GPA, while I'm probably a lot accuracy's and sensitivity's lower. I'm afraid my GPA's not even on the 3-point-something mark. And that's why my ego just went down, down, and down under my foot, and waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down under the ocean's floor. And now, I sure do can't find it anywhere.
Jessica Darling was really THAT smart ENOUGH to get accepted into Columbia University. Oh Columbia? Now that's what I call a tuh-rue university. Why? Well, it's JUST an Ivy, one of those premier and nicety smarty-pantsy schools I'm very much itching to go to.
This is just a wildcard, but for those of you who is concerned to Jessica's 3 lovers, the 3 schmucks went to college. Scotty went into a college that's known for parties, and he was benched all playing season. Len went to Cornell for premed. Marcus went into some Buddhist university called Gakkai College, by which he have been learning philosophies all throughout.
The reason why I didn't enjoy the book that much is because Jessica's all-grown up now. No more innocent girl's wet panties, if you solely know what I mean metaphorically. She's Now that's a teaser.
But at the middle part, Jessica and Marcus broke up because Jessica cheated on him by humping a Republican, who would later on commit suicide because of depression. Marcus, being his own religious-afficionado, didn't get mad to Jessica. Instead, he went through this phase wherein he didn't talk to Jessica for 2 years, and went to this-get this-an even more self-deepening college in a desert.
And I would stop telling the whole story again because this is not a book club member's blog.
If you think you're tired of Gossip Girls, or too shallow to read Jodi Picoult's or Jane Austen's novels, just go read this one. It's worth a read, if you would read the latter part.
There is this one thing that I learned in that book.
Waiting makes you realize your mistakes. Or what you're missing. Or what you need for something.
Heh. I should've chosen to major in Philosophy instead.
My wisdom is my intelligence.
Alle-loo, Alle-loo.
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