I. Am. Deeply. Bothered.
Dear Person,
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonades or chasers or whatever out of them. This just simply states that when life gives you something, you have to use it in one way or another. That's probably the oldest rule of thumb I know, and up to this date, I can still affirm its accuracy in giving everybody their respective happiness and success in life.
But then there was you.
Now I don't really know if that rule of thumb refers to all kinds of blessings - humans included. I haven't read an epitome of the analogy that shall complete the phrase "when life gives you humans - and by humans, I mean freaking GOOD ones, you ___________". It seems that somebody has yet to find out a use for people God destined us to meet - people we all usually call soulmates. I'm no Confucius or anything, but I think the answer to all of it is...appreciation. Not JUST appreciation, but deep appreciation. Leading to love and..
I'm so leaning off the wall. And I'm slowly falling off to the ground and for reasons unknown, I want you to be there to catch me. I know I weigh a ton and all, but you're the only person I know who appreciates my elephant-ness and you know that I know that you will definitely be there. On the ground. Waiting. Because I'm tired of idling my ass on the wall for fucking months now. And you're...I don't know. Just kind and lovable, I guess.
My brothers and I watched Wall-E last Saturday. I kinda planned on ditching the kids at first, because I promised myself that there is no way I will let my eyes watch some robot who eats trash over the great Zohan. Mom wouldn't let me watch the Zohan movie on my own, nor let her young sons watch Wall-E by themselves. So well, that's all too bad, actually. Instead of realizing my surreal plan, it all backfired because mom paid me 200 bucks to shut up and let the kids watch the damn movie. 200 bucks, and I'm good to go. God, I could never be a president. Not that I'm planning to or anything.
I never knew a Disney Pixar movie can be so..so..meaningful.
The first few scenes are pretty much boring, and I didn't even find Wall-E cute. I mean, he's just pretty much a small machine with this big ogling eyes that just seem to move in all places. But it is kinda sad to know that he's the only one left in the Earth, trying to put all the trash of the people into one place so they can finally come back. It could've been really nice if I was Wall-E and there were no more friggin wastes and Coca-Cola Corporation is back on the biz. Man, my happiness will never be measured by then.
One day this spaceship came and shook the hell out of Wall-E's environment. The robot braved out to see it leave another robot - an e-probe. that is. He was so fascinated by the beauty of the e-probe that he followed it for friggin days. Weirdly enough, the two finally introduced themselves to one another after the e-probe blasted some rusted ships on the deck. I mean, how bizarre is that? Anyways, it was the first time somebody actually spoke a real word in the movie. Whle pointing to herself, the e-probe then gave her name..."Eee-vaah". So I really thought it was Eva, like Eva Mendes. It took me some time to realize that a Spanish name is not suitable for the e-probe, and for sure, her name isn't Eva. It's Eve. How cute.
I'm not gonna spoil it all up for you. I'm not that cruel.
But the point of the whole movie is that all of your efforts for one person will always be reciprocated in the end. Be it a display of love or just a series of good things; it will all return once things fall into place.
Oh, and love really do conquers all. Even friggin robots. Wall-E just removed our rights to call people who are so stoned-hearted robots or whatever.
Much gratitude to Wall-E for making us all realize that even the filthiest and stinkiest creatures of all time can alos be loved.
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