My mind pushed me to do this.
Lately my sudden knowledge of how big my mammary glands have gotten over my puberty years is deeply bothering me. You see, I don't give an ass if my body fully develops or not. What matters to me is that I make it to my legal age alive and a ton less, with the latter remaining arguably impossible(and the former being so much for a suicidal. Well, no. Make that a quasi-suicidal.). Being almost a year away before this stupid process finally stops, I have come to think that I may be lucky all along in terms of physical development. You see, as formality dictates, females normally experience a little bit (or too much for some) of problem in the face. You know, the usuals being the acne, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads. Sebum party, alright.
I didn't experience those, um, actually. No, really. You can call me egotistical or pig or sebum lackluster or whatever you want except for the latter because it sounds so friggin lame, but it's the damn truth. I remember that one time when I thought I have a pimple on my face because something's reddish and quite yellow(or was it olive? Hmm, maybe purple. I'm not sure. Check my mood.) in the middle. I consulted my sister who's like, the CEO of some Sebum corporation because she produces way way way waaay more oil in the face than me (and for the nth time, she's more experienced in the facial care department. Like I could care more, really.). She said it was too small to be a damn pimple, but she wasn't sure if it was one in the end. But, whatever. I was so excited to be stressed because of it for the rest of my days and stuff.
I woke up the next day and it was gone. Boo-fucking-hoo. Well, I have blackheads instead. Man, I swear to God that if someone who is exorbitantly interested in macro photography would pick my nose as the subject, he/she would freak out because of the increasing population of these things are experiencing. Beat that, chocolate hills.
What I lost in the face is what my mammary glands gained. I'm not speaking about the Sebum and acnes and all of that, but, you know. I didn't have oil overdose but now, hold your breaths because as of yesterday, my cup size pivoted its way to C from A. You can say your respective OMG's now.
I don't like having big boobies. I mean, Jesus, I don't even like having boobs. What the hell are they for, anyway? Oh yeah sure the baby needs milk blah blah, but can it just STOP growing and stuff? I wish all of my Estradiol can be donated to those others who hate me now because they have small boobs.
Too much is just really, really bad.
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