So..... in just a matter of hours, the first morsel of raindrop...'drops' on my head. And I mean that, literally.
The first sign of rain!
I was overwhelmed, that I bathed in the rain. I don't even know why I loved rain that much. To summer, goodbye...!
And here are some of the things that'll be tackled by the throng..., and will be remembered as "happened last summer".
-Karol Josef Wojtyla, mostly known as Pope John Paul II, died on April 19-ish.
-After the mournings... the cardinals elected a new one, which is Joseph Ratzinger, or Pope Benedict XVI.
-Miss Canada won the Miss Universe title....
-Star Wars Episode 3, Revenge of The Sith, premiered worldwide on May 19, grossing at a whopping 17 million on its first week.
-My most boring birthday ever happened. Nice.
-El Nino came to the Philippines, and all of us was so desperate to be in the beaches, which, to my observation is far more inconvinient, pertaining to the goddamn 90 degree heat.
So say farewell to summer and scream hello at the rain and school season.
too lazy....uhmmm...signing off....