Friday, October 15, 2004


Wow,,, TiS is mY stOOpid bLog,,, mY 3rd one since July>>>>>>>


\\We had a not-so censored debate in CL class, and me?? I don't even had a single comment about the freaking issUe,,
cHesCa saYs.....
BlasT is a biAtcHie!!!!
LoRaInnE saYs.......
a faaareaK is what she Is>>>

How can a condom be not effective when ur having IT??? Now that is an issue~~~~

what aBouT aBoRtiOn???
iZ iT g0od R BaD???
do U Like eatIng???

nyek>>> bOrings>>>

In ouR genSci class,<<>> r3m0, who is the moSt bOring persOn in my lyF,,, gave us another maTTeR-miXtures-compound chart, which had made my notes looK like my hair( a-little buhaghag>>

bye>>> whatev>>.